Thursday, May 28, 2009

Silver...that's a metal right?

Hello again. Alrighty. Since I'm not in school right now, I don't have any recent funnies to talk about, so I'll use an old one from marching season. Well, we had to march in the Veteran's parade so we were all on the bus on the way downtown. I'm sitting with my friend LF and we're talking to the two trumpets behind us. Somehow we got on the topic of which instruments are the best. (Flutes...DUH!) Well, one of the guys was like:

"The only things flutes don't suck at is blowing."

Well. My friend was like:

"Oh yeah? Well trumpets are lame cuz...cuz..." Anytime now dear. "Cuz they're made of metal!"

Well the trumpets were like:

"So are flutes!"

LF said (and she was serious):

"Nuh uh! They're made of silver."

Erm. Uh. Can't think of a response for that.

The two trumpet guys looked at each other and started laughing. LF looked at me like "Why is that
funny" and I said:

"Hun, silver IS a metal." Anybody got a table of elements for this girl?

She said:

"For real? Ooooooh." Mmm yeah. Oh.

She started laughing too. She does stuff like this all the time. She gives me comic relief. Luv ya girl!!
Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Song of the Day: "Fall for You" (by Secondhand Serenade)
Again...not a real vid. Sorry.

Verse for the Day: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5


  1. That's my favorite verse! Obviously. How many times have I heard this story besides actually being there?

    This is J. Nice song! Silver is the symbol Ag. It is the number 47. It weighs 107.8682 g. It is silver in color. It is a metallic metal in the Coinage Metal group. And no, I did not look at a periodic table for this information. (Wink, Wink...;) ;) TTFN.

    Okay.... Away from the science. Can't wait to see you at band camp! Go see Up! -"Two thumbs way way up!" -Hades from Hercules, a Disney movie.- That was J again. She just had to go back and add the " around the quote- ever the Editorial fanatic.

  2. Hey, I didn't know that either... wow it must be really late...
