Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"If I Only Had a Brane"

Wa'sup peeps? Okay, you know the brain story below? Well, my friend SC and I were explaining it to some of our friends in the band room this morning. Weeeell, my friend TJ is sitting there, looking deep in thought, when she says "What's a brain?" I'm not joking. And she was dead serious. My friend MG and I look at her like "Did you seriously just say that?" Then we bust out laughing. I'm talking ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing). I was like "Well, it's something you must not have." And she's like "OH! You mean the one in your head!" OMG. No way. Yes that brain! She was like "Well, I'm tired! I was spelling it in my head and I was thinking B-R-A-N-E. Geez. So I had a blonde moment." Then she started laughing really hard too. Ah...my friends. Aren't we special?

Love to all, Elizabeth :)
Song for the Day- "Bring 'Em Out" (by Hawk Nelson)
It's not a real music vid. Sorry! But hey, it works.

Verse of the Day- "Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life."
Proverbs 4:23


  1. Never Mind.(refer to comments below) This was so funny! I mean can you get any more blonde? Happy school is out? And I never told you my favorite verse- James 1:5. See You Soon I Hope:) Life is Happy- Smile!

  2. Hey! I find blonde jokes very offensive!!! Lol, no I am just joking. Your friends are so intelligent Hawk. And I am so happy school is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You find blonde jokes offensive- what about me? First day off- done absolutely nothing! J'aime la fromage! :)

  4. Aw come on. There's nothing funnier than a blonde joke. But don't be mean when telling it. That's just bad. And I'm VEEEERY glad school is out. Although I got kinda bored with a capital B these two days at home by myself. Oh well. Better than being at school. But now...IDK what to write about. I'm short on material! Any ideas?

  5. Gee...thanks. Btw,tell anyone u know 2 check out this blog. I could use as many followers as possible. I'm tired 2 bookworm:)

  6. My brother M was just diagnosed with synchronous diaphragmatic flutter or Singultus. Its a terrible case and we only found out 30 minutes ago!
    Got a go!

  7. Oh dear! Not the hiccups! AAAAHHHHH! But seriously, I could use some help with followers. Tell anyone and everyone. Thanks :)

  8. Did you actually look that up? Laugh. J is sitting by me correcting everyhting Eye mes up.

    This is J. Ignore her.

    You msut be rlelay berod.
    The mvioe Up is tllaoty aewmose! According to J, awesome looks funny.
