Saturday, May 23, 2009

"It's a bird. It's a BRAIN!"

Hey guys! So I'm pretty much done with school. My last day is Tuesday. YES!! Anyways, my geometry teacher threw a little party. We were going to watch a Jim Carey movie. friend and I didn't want to cuz Jim Carey isn't always the cleanest comedian if ya gmd (get my drift). Anyways, we went out in the hall and sat. So along comes my friend JC with the rest of her history class. She's like "Omg! Hey, Mr. teacher (like I would use his real name on the internet) I'm already done with my project so can I stay here with them?" He said yes. No way right! Anyways, she sat down on the floor with us and we talked for awhile. We were looking at posters the seniors had made before graduating about books they recommend. We were really getting going: "I think I read that book in third grade" "That bee drawing has legs. And not even six of them!" So then we get to this poster of some book with 'heart' in the name. Sooo...I'm lookin at this poster and I see somethin that looks like it should be a heart. It was really just a lump with squigly lines all over it. Well, we're looking at this, uh, creation, and trying to figure out what it is. We thought it could be a lung, a heart, a rock (hey, it may not have been an organ). Well, right as an A+ tutor that's delivering stuff for the office walks by, I say "It looks like a brain!" super-OOBER loud. He keeps walking, but gives us this "What on EARTH?" look. Me and my friends BUST out laughing. He gives us another look from down the hall. I couldn't even look at the dude to figure out if he was laughing too. It was SOOO embarassing! I turned to my friends and I was like "I don't even want to know what he thought we were talking about." It's like "Yeah mom, I had a great day at school. I passed my algebra test, won STUCO president, and oh yeah, was told I look like a brain on my way to drop off teacher mail." Ugh. UGH! But seriously, I was only embarassed for like a second. It was actually pretty funny. So pay attention to who's walking by before you say something stupid. It's a good lesson.

Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Song for the day- "You Belong With Me" (by Taylor Swift)

Verse of the day- "I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies." Psalms 18:3

1 comment:

  1. LOL! That was so freaking hilarious I thought I might die from laughter. My favorite part was when you said "brains aren't black" and then I was like "it isnt black" But then I understood and it was all good! Horray for school being over at last!!!!!!!!!!
