Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Exploding tea, Oh my, oh me!

Alrighty. Funny story numero uno. So, yesterday I was sitting at the lunch table and my friend had one of those Red Diamond tea bottles that just has a pop-on cap (what's wrong with caps that screw on?). Well, she got up to get her food and when she sat back down, picked up her tea, and shook it. Mmm, bad idea. The lid popped off and landed somewhere far, far away and she got tea (sweet tea, meaning sticky) all over the floor, table, and her shirt. The look on her face was the best part! It was like "Oh...that's cool. I could've sworn I closed that!" Thankfully I was sitting across from her and missed the rain of sugary goodness. Anyways, that was only the beginning. Everyone at my lunch table burst out laughing. I'm talking can't breathe for, like, ever. My friend's face turned bright red and I was about to fall out of my seat. So then I said something funny (don't remember what it was. Yesterday was a long time ago) but she, um...had tea in her mouth. Well, she could either swallow it and choke, or spit it out. She picked door number two. She spit it out all over her tray. Let's say her lunch wasn't exactly edible anymore. So she tries to clean herself up and uses all the napkins at the table. By now we're all DYING! And her laugh doesn't help. (When she really gets going, she jerks backwards and squeaks.) Then, for some reason, another one of my friends gets some chicken noodle mush on her fork and tries to put it on tea girl. Tea girl grabs noodle girl's hand and she's backing up saying "No, no! STOP! EEEEWW!" Well, noodle girl gives the fork a little flick and the mush lands on tea girl's pants (some of it barely missing me). Yuck! Then, since all the napkins were used for the previous mess, tea girl goes up to get more napkins to wipe off her noodle-fied pants. She trips on a chair on the way there, and once she does make it, the lunchlady closes the door! Like "Sorry...too late!" JK. The lunchlady let her in. By now, I'm completely hysterical!! Well...tea girl got herself cleaned up, but that was DEFINITELY the funniest lunch shift ever! And there were no hard feelings. Tea girl is the kind of person to laugh at herself, which is way better than being embarassed. Luv ya T! :) Well, that's my funny fiasco for the day. Hope it made ya laugh! Leave comments!

Love to all, Elizabeth

Song for the day- "One in a Million" (by Run Kid Run)

Verse of the day- "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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