Sunday, May 31, 2009

World's Ugliest Shoes

Hey peoples! Get ready to laugh your socks off! I give you...ten of the ugliest shoes you will EVER lay your poor eyes on. (viewer discretion advised)

BEHOLD! The accident-waiting-to-happen demon Dutch shoe! Oh yeah. Gimme some a that Swedish love baby! Nothing like a clog with flowers that looks like it's fresh out of a game of bowling. Strike!...out. Yuck!

AAAAAAAAH! What IS this?! Anybody got any ideas? I'm thinking 70's platform gone wrong with a little ballerina thrown in. Ugh. Disco don't. Your feet would hate you.

Shoo! This looks like something Grandma knitted. If Grandma were insane. Let's head to Baby Bonnet Beach!! Only doilied footwear allowed. Well now...I think we're all set. NEXT!

ACK! A cross between a flip flop and an Ugg boot. Mmm. Stylin' and profilin'. My legs would suffocate, but hey, those tootsies can hang in the breeze all they want. Anybody know of a beach where it snows? No? Huh. Strange.

Oh ho ho YEAH! Let's get animal friendly. You can attract the nearest cheetah while sporting a heel-side aquarium. Let's hope your fishies don't get motion sick. And need I go back to the 70's platform no-no? Come on. This is 2009. GET WITH THE TIMES!

Ah. Nothing like a split platform covered in a rope net. Who said broken ankles weren't sexy? Oh right... EVERYBODY! Apparently balance is un-necessary to this chic. See ya in ICU toots!

Uh...erm...yeah. There's not much to say here. A missing heel and a gigundous platform. Well, I guess there has to be SOMETHING to hold those poor feet up. "Um yes, board of directors. It's either this giant chunk of plastic or a gyroscope. Your choice." Well. Let's hope there's not a strong wind. TIIIIMBER!

Ah yes. The pastel puke shoe. With an added bonus. The ugly blue bathing cat. Mwa ha ha ha ha! Look at it! Tremble in it's presence! Oh...anyone nautious. Bleh he! Ugh...sorry.

Eeeeeaak! Nothin' like a candy crud fabric basket. Let's see...candy canes? Check.
M & M's? Check. All around 'ew' factor? Check, check, and CHECK! Maybe it would be better if this person took off those hideous socks. Well...uh...nope. Still hideodorous.

And the piece de resistance:

TA DA! Aaaaallll RIIIIGHT! What could be better than a creature on your legs? Don't you think that's itchy? Well, it sure ain't stylish. Someone call the game warden! Polar bear on the LOOOOOSE! Aaaaaiiiieeeee!

And there you have it. Some of the ugliest shoes you will ever see. Who decided this stuff was good enough to put on the market? A designer on crack? Well...I probably don't wanna know. Anyway...hopefully that brightened your day. Nothing like ugly footwear to jump start your mood.

Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Song of the Day- "Best I can" (by Decyfer Down)
Check out this vid by none other than...ME! Enjoy!

Verse for the Day: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Pictures curtsy (I know how to spell courtesy) of:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Silver...that's a metal right?

Hello again. Alrighty. Since I'm not in school right now, I don't have any recent funnies to talk about, so I'll use an old one from marching season. Well, we had to march in the Veteran's parade so we were all on the bus on the way downtown. I'm sitting with my friend LF and we're talking to the two trumpets behind us. Somehow we got on the topic of which instruments are the best. (Flutes...DUH!) Well, one of the guys was like:

"The only things flutes don't suck at is blowing."

Well. My friend was like:

"Oh yeah? Well trumpets are lame cuz...cuz..." Anytime now dear. "Cuz they're made of metal!"

Well the trumpets were like:

"So are flutes!"

LF said (and she was serious):

"Nuh uh! They're made of silver."

Erm. Uh. Can't think of a response for that.

The two trumpet guys looked at each other and started laughing. LF looked at me like "Why is that
funny" and I said:

"Hun, silver IS a metal." Anybody got a table of elements for this girl?

She said:

"For real? Ooooooh." Mmm yeah. Oh.

She started laughing too. She does stuff like this all the time. She gives me comic relief. Luv ya girl!!
Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Song of the Day: "Fall for You" (by Secondhand Serenade)
Again...not a real vid. Sorry.

Verse for the Day: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"If I Only Had a Brane"

Wa'sup peeps? Okay, you know the brain story below? Well, my friend SC and I were explaining it to some of our friends in the band room this morning. Weeeell, my friend TJ is sitting there, looking deep in thought, when she says "What's a brain?" I'm not joking. And she was dead serious. My friend MG and I look at her like "Did you seriously just say that?" Then we bust out laughing. I'm talking ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing). I was like "Well, it's something you must not have." And she's like "OH! You mean the one in your head!" OMG. No way. Yes that brain! She was like "Well, I'm tired! I was spelling it in my head and I was thinking B-R-A-N-E. Geez. So I had a blonde moment." Then she started laughing really hard too. friends. Aren't we special?

Love to all, Elizabeth :)
Song for the Day- "Bring 'Em Out" (by Hawk Nelson)
It's not a real music vid. Sorry! But hey, it works.

Verse of the Day- "Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life."
Proverbs 4:23

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"It's a bird. It's a BRAIN!"

Hey guys! So I'm pretty much done with school. My last day is Tuesday. YES!! Anyways, my geometry teacher threw a little party. We were going to watch a Jim Carey movie. friend and I didn't want to cuz Jim Carey isn't always the cleanest comedian if ya gmd (get my drift). Anyways, we went out in the hall and sat. So along comes my friend JC with the rest of her history class. She's like "Omg! Hey, Mr. teacher (like I would use his real name on the internet) I'm already done with my project so can I stay here with them?" He said yes. No way right! Anyways, she sat down on the floor with us and we talked for awhile. We were looking at posters the seniors had made before graduating about books they recommend. We were really getting going: "I think I read that book in third grade" "That bee drawing has legs. And not even six of them!" So then we get to this poster of some book with 'heart' in the name. Sooo...I'm lookin at this poster and I see somethin that looks like it should be a heart. It was really just a lump with squigly lines all over it. Well, we're looking at this, uh, creation, and trying to figure out what it is. We thought it could be a lung, a heart, a rock (hey, it may not have been an organ). Well, right as an A+ tutor that's delivering stuff for the office walks by, I say "It looks like a brain!" super-OOBER loud. He keeps walking, but gives us this "What on EARTH?" look. Me and my friends BUST out laughing. He gives us another look from down the hall. I couldn't even look at the dude to figure out if he was laughing too. It was SOOO embarassing! I turned to my friends and I was like "I don't even want to know what he thought we were talking about." It's like "Yeah mom, I had a great day at school. I passed my algebra test, won STUCO president, and oh yeah, was told I look like a brain on my way to drop off teacher mail." Ugh. UGH! But seriously, I was only embarassed for like a second. It was actually pretty funny. So pay attention to who's walking by before you say something stupid. It's a good lesson.

Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Song for the day- "You Belong With Me" (by Taylor Swift)

Verse of the day- "I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies." Psalms 18:3

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Exploding tea, Oh my, oh me!

Alrighty. Funny story numero uno. So, yesterday I was sitting at the lunch table and my friend had one of those Red Diamond tea bottles that just has a pop-on cap (what's wrong with caps that screw on?). Well, she got up to get her food and when she sat back down, picked up her tea, and shook it. Mmm, bad idea. The lid popped off and landed somewhere far, far away and she got tea (sweet tea, meaning sticky) all over the floor, table, and her shirt. The look on her face was the best part! It was like "Oh...that's cool. I could've sworn I closed that!" Thankfully I was sitting across from her and missed the rain of sugary goodness. Anyways, that was only the beginning. Everyone at my lunch table burst out laughing. I'm talking can't breathe for, like, ever. My friend's face turned bright red and I was about to fall out of my seat. So then I said something funny (don't remember what it was. Yesterday was a long time ago) but she, um...had tea in her mouth. Well, she could either swallow it and choke, or spit it out. She picked door number two. She spit it out all over her tray. Let's say her lunch wasn't exactly edible anymore. So she tries to clean herself up and uses all the napkins at the table. By now we're all DYING! And her laugh doesn't help. (When she really gets going, she jerks backwards and squeaks.) Then, for some reason, another one of my friends gets some chicken noodle mush on her fork and tries to put it on tea girl. Tea girl grabs noodle girl's hand and she's backing up saying "No, no! STOP! EEEEWW!" Well, noodle girl gives the fork a little flick and the mush lands on tea girl's pants (some of it barely missing me). Yuck! Then, since all the napkins were used for the previous mess, tea girl goes up to get more napkins to wipe off her noodle-fied pants. She trips on a chair on the way there, and once she does make it, the lunchlady closes the door! Like "Sorry...too late!" JK. The lunchlady let her in. By now, I'm completely hysterical!! Well...tea girl got herself cleaned up, but that was DEFINITELY the funniest lunch shift ever! And there were no hard feelings. Tea girl is the kind of person to laugh at herself, which is way better than being embarassed. Luv ya T! :) Well, that's my funny fiasco for the day. Hope it made ya laugh! Leave comments!

Love to all, Elizabeth

Song for the day- "One in a Million" (by Run Kid Run)

Verse of the day- "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1