Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

What up Peeps (haha..get it? peeps...Easter? never mind). Well,first of all, who's excited for Easter? ME IS! Go Jesus! Rise from that grave! So amazing. And my church is going to have the coolest Easter service on Sunday. Can't wait! Well, besides church, Easter makes people think of what? Easter eggs! Well, I found the coolest eggs ever. Who in the world has the time (or patience) to do something like this? Well, obviously someone does. But it sure as heck ain't me. Anyways, enjoy!!

Omigosh. Seriously? There's some ridiculous talent out there.

Oooo, pretty colors.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...KISS!! Ha ha! So cool!

Yeah, those are real beads.

Whoa, seriously. How the heck do people do this?

Pretty, huh?

Dude...sweet. They don't even look like eggs. More like fabric.

Well, that's it for today. Cool, huh? My Easter egg decorating pretty much consists of dunking a boiled egg in a cupp of colored water. Yeah...that takes serious skill. Anyways, hope you liked them.

Luv to all, Elizabeth :)

Verse of the Day- "I thank my God every time I think of you." Philippians 1:3

Quote of the Day- We're all one choice away from stupid.

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