Monday, February 8, 2010

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Well, school was canceled for us today...which seems to be happening a lot lately. Never thought I'd get tired of that, but hey, anything's possible. Laying on the couch, being bored, I decided to go out and play in the snow and take pics. Enjoy :)

Here's my brother's and my snowman. Ain't he cute?

What dorks!
And here's what's left of our snowman. I know what you're thinking...he committed suicide. Yes, it's true, he fell over and bit the dust about five minutes after we made him. Sigh...I barely knew ya buddy!! :(


So precious. Too bad the snow was too packed to actually, ya know, blow delicately out of my hands.

Snowball fight! Never gets old :)

Don't you dare! Don't you, don't you...SPLAT! Argh!

I actually did catch some snowflakes. They were cold. I know right? Unbelievable...cold snow. Psh...ridiculous.


Isn't that purty? That's a tree (well, duh) in my backyard.

How sweet! Snow art!

I think branches covered in snow are so graceful and pretty, don't you?

More trees...or tree...singular.
If you look closely, you can actually see the snow falling. It was coming down pretty hard earlier today.
I just love the snow. Who doesn't? And you are NEVER to old to go outside and toss around a snowball or two ;)
Verse of the Day- "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."- Romans 15:13
Quote of the Day- What do a dead Atheist and a Christian have in common? They both believe in God.
Love to all...Elizabeth :)

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