Thursday, February 4, 2010

St. Louis Fun

Yes, it has taken me a while...okay FOREVER to update my blog. But, here you go. These are pictures from my marching band trip to St. Louis in October. *name has been super secretly disguised. Shh!! and white. Dramatic :)

Did you catch the Build a Bear bags? Hey now! You are NEVER to old to make your own teddy bear. I am a firm believer that stuffed animals fix EVERYTHING :)

Here's a new face. That's Margo Higglebottom* in the middle.

Sittin' pretty in the city. I remember, those rocks were REALLY cold...just felt like sharing that with you.

I love the fact that even the St. Louis Zoo has school spirit. Sweet action! (In case you didn't get it, my high school's mascot is a pirate. That's why I took this pic.)

Don't you just love the random guy in the background staring at the camera?

Don't you just wanna pick him up and give him a hug? Er...well...not exactly. Can you SEE those claws? Yow!

Seals are so cute!...and wet.

Whoa! Talk about pink!

Not quite as pink, but still gorgeous!

We were so close to this bird...I'm surprised he didn't go all psycho crazy on us :0

Me and Tilly. I just love that red tree. Gorgeous!!

This also my profile pic. My bestie is the bestest :)

Smile for the camera!

Sigh...I just love Autumn. The leaves are so pretty.

Say cheese!

Spread the love :) with white stripes, or white with black stripes? The world may never know.

No...that rock won't move. No matter how much you stare at it.

Just taking a little cat nap. Or...big cat nap.

"Hey, hey she's a monkey! And people say she monkeys around!"

How rude!

Just chillin' with the seals :)

Me and my bestest friend Mildred Gooberfink*. So silly!

Ooh! Pretty!

It's Tilly Amberstein*! Love her!!

This was behind a waterfall in the gorilla habitat. Cool, huh?

This bear cracks me up. He paced back and forth like that FOREVER!

Verse of the Day- "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."- James 1:12

Quote of the Day- If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat!

Luv to all...Elizabeth :)

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