Sunday, April 3, 2011

Prom 2011

Hey peeps! Wow, it's been like forever since I posted. Busy, busy, busy bee is me! Well, prom was last night and it was EPIC! There's nothing better than dancing in the middle of a mosh pit with a bunch of sweaty people you don't really talk to but do the bump with anyway (okay, so no one from my school actually did the bump). Anyways, here's some purty pics. Enjoy!

Isn't my little bro just the cutest! Love him bunches! Even though he's taller than me, and I was wearing four inch heels in this pic.

That's one of my BFFs Michie*. She's the best! BTW, I have no idea why I pointed one direction and looked the other way. Hmm....

I was unaware my dad was still taking pics.

This is my fav :) Hence the change in profile pic. Such strikingly lovely ladies, no? Walking into Olive Garden. I spilled nothing on my dress, but did manage to trip over it about a thousand times that night. I'm opping for short next year. Follow my example.

Note the ghetto hummingbird feeders in the background. I do love this pic though :)
Well there you have it. My first ever prom pics of my first ever prom. A word of advice...don't ever miss the chance to go to your own. You'll miss out on a lot. Anyways, ttyl.

Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Verse of the day: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." -Deuteronomy 31:6

Song of the Day- "Would You Go With Me" -Josh Turner

1 comment:

  1. Thanks :) tell everyone else in the world since i have like no followers
