Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crazy Pics

Yet again, I am at a loss of cool events to post about. Therefore, I have foundeth cool pictures for your enjoyment...eth. Lol.
They make-ded me work for food.

That says "If you are not disabled and you park here, you soon will be". Anybody else ever feel like saying that? No way! Hahahaha! We all have those days.
Every kitty was kung-fu fighting!

Funny. That's the same look my cat gives me when he wants something...


Lol. I have this song in my playlist to your right -->

(for those of you that aren't catching on, it's the song by the supremes) "Stop in the Name of Love"? No? Forget it.

Hmm...makes you wonder if security really is secure.

I truly did think this was a loaf of bread. So cute I could eat him right up!

Watching...waiting...getting hungry.
For the love of all that is holy, don't push that button!

Tee hee! He reminds me of some older men I see. Cute!

Must pant pant make it gasp pant over the pant gasp oh nevermind.

I shooted them! Meowahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Love to all, Elizabeth :)

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