Monday, February 8, 2010

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Well, school was canceled for us today...which seems to be happening a lot lately. Never thought I'd get tired of that, but hey, anything's possible. Laying on the couch, being bored, I decided to go out and play in the snow and take pics. Enjoy :)

Here's my brother's and my snowman. Ain't he cute?

What dorks!
And here's what's left of our snowman. I know what you're thinking...he committed suicide. Yes, it's true, he fell over and bit the dust about five minutes after we made him. Sigh...I barely knew ya buddy!! :(


So precious. Too bad the snow was too packed to actually, ya know, blow delicately out of my hands.

Snowball fight! Never gets old :)

Don't you dare! Don't you, don't you...SPLAT! Argh!

I actually did catch some snowflakes. They were cold. I know right? Unbelievable...cold snow. Psh...ridiculous.


Isn't that purty? That's a tree (well, duh) in my backyard.

How sweet! Snow art!

I think branches covered in snow are so graceful and pretty, don't you?

More trees...or tree...singular.
If you look closely, you can actually see the snow falling. It was coming down pretty hard earlier today.
I just love the snow. Who doesn't? And you are NEVER to old to go outside and toss around a snowball or two ;)
Verse of the Day- "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."- Romans 15:13
Quote of the Day- What do a dead Atheist and a Christian have in common? They both believe in God.
Love to all...Elizabeth :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Christmas Cookie Crazies

Before Christmas every year, my youth group bakes cookies for widows and shut-ins in our area. If you know my friends, you know that we're crazy and that baking cookies is not a task we take entirely seriously. Just look...

I decided to totally cover myself in flour that day. It was just sitting on the counter...tempting me. Who doesn't like to get messy? Sigh...old habits die hard ;)

Don't they look yummy? And we got to eat the leftovers!

Those are two of my super good friends, Miranda Mooseberry* and Tabitha Claringtoon*. I love those guys to death!!!

This is my super-sticky creation. Isn't it beeyooteefull? I know, right?

Okay, there is a story to this picture. Miranda was going to be in the Christmas parade later that day as Mary, and this doll was supposed to be Jesus. That poor thing took so much abuse! We threw it up in the air, played soccer with it, and of course...twisted it into the caging on the stage. That picture is right side up mind you. Sad, sad day. But so, so funny! What's even funnier is this video of my youth pastor. Just watch...
Well...uh...erm....yeah. There's not really much I can say there.
What a mess!!

My brother totally stole my flour thunder.

Those stupid wreaths were SO hard to keep together. It's just cornflakes and some green goo, so they totally fell apart every time we tried to put them on the plates. Oh well. We got it figured out.

Umm...what's with the sombrero?

This is Candy*, my youth pastor's wife, Corkie Barnsworth*, and Brundalin Hartfyre*. Three peas in a pod, no?

As you can see, we are no ordinary youth group....and I LOVE it!!

Verse of the Day- "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32

Quote of the Day- I'm the Christian the Devil and liberal media warned you about!

Love to all...Elizabeth :)

Pigeon Forge

Have any of you ever been to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee? Well, it's only the coolest place to vacation. Over the summer, my family went there for a week. Totally awesome! Check it out...

This is a pic I took from the car of the Nashville skyline. Nashville happens to be the home of both the Tennessee Titans (whoo whoo!) and Skillet (the greatest band on the planet). Cool beans, right?

This is back at the hotel. It only took about a gazillion and a half tries to actually catch him in mid-air.

What a ham! LoL :)

"Go Speed Racer, GO!!"

This drive-in Italian place in Knoxville, Tennessee was actually featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. And it was definitely the best pizza I've ever had.

Sigh...I can almost taste it.

Oh...that's attractive.

This is the owner that they actually interviewed on the show.

Hand over the pasta, and nobody gets hurt ;)

These are from the Sky Lift in downtown Gatlinburg...

Aw, how sweet...a brother and sister pretending to like each other. JK :) We actually do get along really well. case you didn't already know, I HATE heights. You can ask my brother...I held on to that seat for dear life!

We've got a ways to go...

Hello lovebirds!

These are pics from Smoky Mountain National Park. Gorgeous, no?

That's my bro, Georgio Thittleworth*. Ain't he cute?

Smile pretty!

Aaaaaw! How sweet! Who says parents can't be cute?

Gatlinburg is right by Pigeon Forge. It's this cool little village with awesome shops and attractions.

Is that not the coolest building you've ever seen? It's like an interactive scientific fun spot type thing.
"My, what big wheels you have, Mr. Truck."

This was when my brother and I rode in the back of that monster truck behind us. Which, by the way, was AWESOME!!

This is the awesomest wooden coaster I've EVER ridden. No joke!

This is the outside of the Mystery Mine. Only the most INSANE ride ever!! Check out this youtube link to take a virtual ride (sorry it's kinda hard to see...most of the ride is in the dark):

This is the outside of the Dollywood Chapel...

...and this is the inside. Pretty, huh?

My, those are strange looking owls.... ;)

Isn't that a pretty little scene?

A Ferris wheel at Dollywood...that I didn't go on. But I felt like taking a picture anyways.
It was so much fun! I was sad to go. But, we're planning on going back again. Hopefully sometime soon.
Verse of the Day- "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." -Luke 15:7
Quote of the Day- Live a good're the only Bible some people will ever read.
Love to all...Elizabeth :)