Tuesday, June 2, 2009

hawknelson22's Top 20 Videos

Da da da da da da DAAAAAA! Welcome, faithful viewers to the first June post! (applause) Thank you...no please, stop it! Okay. Today's blog blab is my fav top 20 vids. Actually, I have a lot of favorites, so I just picked 20 good ones. Deal with it. Btw, they aren't rated according to how good they are. They're just in random order. Let me know what ya liked. ENJOY :)

We'll start at number 20. And it is "Who I am Hates Who I've Been" by Relient K! Whoooo! Congrats guys! You've made it to the bottom of a pointless blog's top 20 countdown. But seriously, these guys are pretty cool. Just watch.

And at #19 we have..."I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe! Awesome song.

#18...Jeremy Camp with "Speaking Louder than Before". Yay! He's amazing.

#17 is an awesome song by Hawk Nelson. Who else? Here they are with "Friend Like That". Check it out.

#16 is Red with "Already Over". If you don't really like rock, I'm gonna warn you that this is definitely a rock song. But it's Christian. Give it a try. See what you think. I like it.

And coming in at #15 is Barlowgirl with "Never Alone". Here it is.

Kutless takes #14 with "Shut Me Out". Take it away boys. (tee hee)

And for you pop\rock people out there, at #13, here's "The Difference" by Philmont. Love it!

Coming in at #12 is one of my all-time fav bands. For all you awesome people that know who this is, here's Skillet with "Comatose".

Alright. Time to get REALLY pop rock. At #11, here's Stellar Kart with "Activate".

#10 is Tenth Avenue North with "Hold My Heart". Not a real video, but it's still an amazing song. Roll it.

Alrighty. Some more rock for you cool people. Just kidding. Everyone's cool in their own way. Wow, I sound like a therapist. Anyways, at #9 here's Thousand Foot Krutch with "Rawkfist". RAWK ON!

Down to #8. The music video's not so great but the song is so incredible. Here she is, Miley Cyrus with "The Climb".

Here's Demi Lovato at #7 with "La La Land". Good message. Don't change yourself cuz people want you to.

Let's get country. Here's a slower song by Taylor Swift. At #6, it's "Crazier".

Okey doke. Mellow time. Here's the amazing Leeland at #5 with "Sound of Melodies".

Here's a song for those super chics (ha ha). Here's "We Live" by Superchic at #4. Enjoy!

Try not to pass out girls. At #3, here's "Inseparable" by none other than the Jonas Brothers. Again, not a real video. Oh well.

Now, this song is by a band that pretty much makes their living by being dorks. Don't say I didn't warn you. Coming in at #2 it's "Radiator" by Family Force 5. (and no...this video is not from the 80's. hard to believe right?)

And our number one video is (drumroll please)...........................are you drum-rolling? Fine then. Here it is..."Unbreakable" by Fireflight!!!!! Woo hoo! Yay! Yeah! (balloons, confetti, celebration, blah blah blah). Here you go. Happy listening!

Well...what'd ya think? If you didn't like them, that's okay. Some of them are pretty rocky. Or just plain weird. Whatever you want. Let me know if you liked anything in your comments.
Love to all, Elizabeth :)
Song of the Day- Seriously?
Verse for the Day- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." James 10:10


  1. Are you bored or what? I'm at the Hollister Jr. High, right now and will ben till 7. Sort of bored too. Up, is a good movie! If you haven't read my past comments.

  2. I know Up is a good movie. Did you like any songs? Or how about those HIDEOUS shoes? Blech!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. just saying i lovelovelove that fireflight song... like heaps... and i like practically all those other bands, too.

  5. Hi. My brother, M, told me to tell you that you should write a story about turtles.
