Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Shocking!

Hey guys! Okay, well, this happened last Tuesday, but I just now got time to write about it. Well, my best friend Mildred* and I are in PE together, and the freshmen are in the middle of fitness testing ( case you missed it, we aren't freshmen). Well, the freshmen were like, all embarrassed because they didn't want the older kids to watch them do push-ups. Yeah, pathetic, I know. But the coach made the older ones sit in the bleachers on the other side of the wall anyways. So, Mildred* and I are sitting in these chairbacks seats, listening to her iTouch. When coach tells us to come back in, we stand up and start walking. Well, when we got up, I heard a static-like sound coming from the headphone I had on. And all of a sudden..........POW!!!!! The inside of my ear is hit with such an INCREDIBLE amount of electricity that it actually burned. Well, I ripped the headphone out of my ear and looked at Mildred* with a look of such confusion on my face.....she was giving me the same look. "Did you FEEL that?" I said. She was like "Yeah!!!" The weird thing was, she wasn't touching ANYTHING, so it would be kinda hard for a charge to start. Well, this bolt of mysterious electricity came out of nowhere, shot through her left index finger, up her arm, through the right headphone, and into my ear. Yeah, freaky. Well, after a few minutes had gone by, our electrified body parts hadn't gotten any better. My ear was burning and her arm was numb. So, we went to the nurse (who was super fascinated by this) and she came to check out where we were sitting to see if there was a charge in the seats.....there wasn't. Well, she checked us out and we were fine. We were just, you know, a little shocked (pardon the pun) by what had happened. Can any of ya'll explain this? I mean, seriously, people found it hard to believe that I had been literally electrocuted. And I'm not over exaggerating. This was no "oh I touched the car door and it gave me a little ZIP". This was an all-out electrical explosion IN MY EAR!!!! Gosh....craziness. It was definitely an, um......exciting end to my day.
Love to all, Elizabeth :)

Verse of the Day- "I thank my God every time I remember you." -Philippians 1:3
Quote of the Day- There's a difference between saying something, and having something to say.

1 comment:

  1. One question: where's my picture on your sidebar, Young Lady?? I do think I deserve a spot there... :) I really love the picture of your mom and dad. They're so cute. <3

