Friday, September 17, 2010

America's Got...NO BRAINS!

Omgoodness. Who here watches America's Got Talent? Great show, right? Well it was...until the most amazing, fantabulous group in the world LOST on Wednesday. The season five Top Four included Prince Poppycock, Jackie Evancho, Michael Grim, and the world's most incredible group, Fighting Gravity. Oh, I could've sworn they were going to win it all. But no...third place. Their stunning act took third place to a TEN-YEAR-OLD!!!!!!!!!! Sigh...I was very sad :( I would pay to see Fighting Gravity and I sure hope I get the chance. YOU ROCK GUYS!!!!

Check out this video to see them in action:

Love to all, Elizabeth :)
Verse of the Day- ""Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." -Romans 12:15
Quote of the Day- Success is how high you bounce when you've hit rock bottom.